Georgia Community Donates ATV Wheelchair To 10-Year-Old – Video

It may not be an ATV like we’ve come to know it, but you’d be hard pressed to find a machine anywhere more appreciated than the off-road wheelchair owned by 10-year-old Tracy Banks of Toombs County, Ga.

According to, after a report aired on the local news about Lyons (who has cerebral palsy) and his desire for a wheelchair that would allow him to travel on unpaved surfaces, enough donations came in to allow his family to purchase one. Banks recently received his brand new Action Trackchair, which features tank-like tracks and an electric motor to that will help Banks travel just about anywhere he wants.

The response from the community was so great there was more than enough money to buy the $10,000 chair. The Banks family decided to give the surplus donations to Action Manufacturing so they could help out somebody else in need.

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