User Reviews
By Christine (I am a Customer) on Sep 25, 2012
WORST SERVICE DEPARTMENT I HAVE EVER VISITED!!! Huge disappointment, makes me almost regret buying my Foreman. Can't even get a 10 hr service correctly...Mandy is the only one that seems to know what is going on. I put my Forman in the shop for the 10 hr service and to get a boot changed out...really ... easy thing to do from what I understand. It took the 2 1/2 weeks to get it done, and then the boot wasnt even put on and screws werent put back in which led to oil being spilled all over the back of my brand new truck! Later on I went back in (hoping i things may have improved) due to something sqealling and they cant find a problem. Even recorded the noise and took it to them and they still cant find the problem. Uggghhh this is so aggravating!!
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