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Head-to-Head Racing is Our Kind of Racing + Video
Seth Fargher
(IC: employee)
Published: September 30th, 2016
If the course doesn't beat you, the other racer will!
If timed UTV racing isn’t really your think, perhaps this head-to-head, single elimination knockout format is more your style. Competitors only race one other racer at a time, but single elimination means you had better be on the gas from flag to flag.
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Seth Fargher
Growing up in Oregon, most of Seth's involvement in the powersports world was limited to what he saw in magazines and videos. Following a brief stint in the corporate world, Seth took a flying leap (literally) and moved to California to pursue a career in freestyle motocross. Though short lived, the opportunity immersed him in the industry and is now a well-established off-road writer.
More by Seth Fargher
Published September 30th, 2016 9:24 AM
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