Renthal Adds Tucker Rocky for Distribution Staff
by Staff
Tucker Rocky dealer network to carry Renthal products

Renthal and Tucker Rocky have entered a new distribution agreement in the United States. Tucker Rocky will carry the full line of Renthal products for sale through its extensive dealer network.

Tucker Rocky will begin distributing Renthal products in the fall of 2009 and all products will be represented in the 2010 Tucker Rocky catalog.

“”Renthal is a strong and very recognized brand in our industry,” says Steve Johnson, president/COO of Tucker Rocky Distributing. “I have always respected not only the brand and the quality of the product, but also the team of people that Henry Rosenthal has put together. We are looking forward to working with the Renthal team and growing this great brand.”

“We are very excited to be working with Tucker Rocky Distributing and feel their passion and professionalism will be a great asset to the Renthal brand here in America,” says David Kaiser, national sales manager for Renthal. Staff Staff

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