Renthal Giving Away Bar Pads
If you buy any Renthal off-road handlebar between July 1, 2009 and October 1, 2009 you will receive two free limited edition Renthal handlebar pads. Simply purchase any Renthal Twinwall, Fatbar or 7/8” off-road, mini or ATV handlebar during the promotion period to qualify.
Qualifying purchasers will receive one “Stars” LE pad and one “Stripes” LE pad. Visit to download the redemption form and send it, along with a copy of the receipt to: Renthal Bar Pad Promotion 27636 Avenue Scott, Unit A, Valencia, Calif. 91355. You can also e-mal the form and receipt to and use “Renthal Bar Pad Promotion” as the subject line.
Pads will be shipped directly from Renthal Ltd. In Valencia, Calif., after redemption form and receipt are received. Expect two to three weeks for delivery.
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