The Patriot Missile: Modded Mondays

Seth Fargher
by Seth Fargher
It probable looks even better pitched sideways on a dirt track

Okay, technically we made that name up. We’re not sure if this incredible Honda TRX450R has a nickname or not, but considering it’s decked out in red white and blue from head to toe and it looks as if the owner has spared no expense, the Patriot Missile name seems to work. It also appears to have some sort of a special shifting mechanism attached, possibly a hand shifter to give a somebody with a disability the ability to ride and race.

A post shared by AGMX GRAPHICS (@agmxgraphics) on Apr 20, 2018 at 4:59pm PDT

Seth Fargher
Seth Fargher

Growing up in Oregon, most of Seth's involvement in the powersports world was limited to what he saw in magazines and videos. Following a brief stint in the corporate world, Seth took a flying leap (literally) and moved to California to pursue a career in freestyle motocross. Though short lived, the opportunity immersed him in the industry and is now a well-established off-road writer.

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