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When Your ATV Suddenly Finds Traction + Video
Seth Fargher
(IC: employee)
Published: November 15th, 2017
Let your guard down for a minute and that's when it bites ya!
This guy was just out enjoying the slippery conditions, doing his best Ken Block impression, when his ATV suddenly found some dry ground. He managed to dismount without issue, but clearly he wasn’t expecting to hook up.
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Seth Fargher
Growing up in Oregon, most of Seth's involvement in the powersports world was limited to what he saw in magazines and videos. Following a brief stint in the corporate world, Seth took a flying leap (literally) and moved to California to pursue a career in freestyle motocross. Though short lived, the opportunity immersed him in the industry and is now a well-established off-road writer.
More by Seth Fargher
Published November 15th, 2017 4:15 PM
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