ATV Racer John Natalie Needs Your Help

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GoFundMe account set up to help with expenses following serious crash

John Natalie is a legend when it comes to ATV racing. Known as the Ironman, Natalie has won a string of championships and has been a pro for more than 10 years. Unfortunately, a crash on May 2, 2015 has led to long recovery and mounting medical bills. A GoFundMe account has been set up to help Natalie and his family pay for the care he has needed and continues to receive.

Natalie’s wife, Michelle, detailed on the GoFundMe page some of what the champion racer has gone through since his crash.

“Hey everyone. As most of you already know John was involved in a serious ATV crash on May 2 in blountville Tennessee. He broke 7 ribs , put a hole in his right lung, broke his collar bone, fractured his shoulder and had a heart attack. It’s been a long road recovering. Everytime we thought he was on his way to being better, he would take a turn for the worst. The doctors left the fluid in his chest too long without draining it. After almost 3 months of rehab and a chest tube to drain the fluid, the lung kept getting worse. We finally went to a specialist and discovered he needed surgery. He finally went in yesterday the 22 of July for his operation. The surgery was supposed to only take 1 and a half hours but when they opened him up it was worse than what they thought and ended up being almost a 6 hour surgery. His lung was actually stuck to his chest wall and had to be cut loose. They also had to remove a piece of the lung that was no good any more. The doctors said he will be able to get back to 100% but it will take some time. John has not been able to work or race for almost 3 months now and the bills are piling up. Medical bills we are responsible for are over 25,000 dollars as of now and that’s not counting this surgery and recovery. John has always done everything he can for the sport of Atv racing. I am a stay at home mom and John takes care of our family and bills. We could use any help you can give us now until he can get going again. We really hate having to ask like this but we need the help. Thank you.”

Click here to visit Natalie’s GoFundMe account and donate.

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